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Welcome to the gallery, here is my art for sale! See something you want to buy? Sent me a mail at or write to me via the form under "Contact". The price for shipping is calculated for Sweden, if you want me to send it abroad the price will be adjusted. I take payment with Swish (domestic) or PayPal (international).


Womans seat

A womans "seat" ;) in black and white. Sold at a lower price because of a small damage on the canvas.


The painting is about 40*40 cm stor. Black oil on white canvas.


300 SEK + shipping!

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A rabbit with a unicorn horn and flowers on its head. A few of the flowers are made out of the pages of a book and are removable.

The background is made out of a handmade paper that I have painted and then glued to the canvas.

The painting is about 41*33 cm and painted with acrylics.


1000 SEK, including shipping!


ReMake - Birchspring

Acrylic on wood, the wood is saved from a trashed desk. It has small flaws from some time in storage, so I am selling it at a reduced price. 


No brackets or similar for hanging included.


The painting is about 29 * 26 * 1,5 cm.


150 SEK, including shipping!


ReMake - Bumblebee

A small wooden tray given new life! The background is painted with grey acrylic and the bumblebee motif is painted with white acrylic.


The tray is about 17,5 x 15 cm.


99 SEK, including shipping!

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Trio in the vegetable patch

3 small aquarelle / watercolours depicting vegetables: ginger, red paprika och red onion. The circles are about 12,5 cm in diameter. Why not use them as paintings, labels / etiqurettes or other decor! Whatever you want :)


Painted on aquarelle / watercolour papper, coldpressed 300g som made with 25% cotton. 


75 SEK/each or all three for 150 SEK, including shipping!


Gudinnepärla - Godess Bead

A pagan symbol that can be found in many different cultures and symbolises femininity, fertility, nature och life.


The goddess is black with a spiral on the stomach and shimmers in a beautiful colour (different every time) and measures about 10 cm long.


The goddess you order will be similar to the one pictures, but not an exact copy, since it is a handcraft and small variations in size and colour is to be expected. Then the order is paid I will make the goddess and send it as soon as I can, it normally takes 1-2 weekdays!


75 SEK + 12 SEK shipping for each goddess!

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